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Why We Ride?

We have people on our team riding for many different reasons…it is truly hard to believe how many people know someone living with MS. In our small team of just 60 riders….we know or are related to 15 people that currently have Multiple Sclerosis. The Lone Star chapter has asked us to submit these responses. They then compile these and give them to those with MS who come to support us for riding and helping to pay for many of the new treatments and medicines that they receive. You would be surprised how much it makes a difference when you are sick to read some of these responses. Thanks for your input and here are a few examples of "Why We the Carney Men Ride"

Why I Ride...

Because this disease effects too many, too young and is too beatable for us not to do everything we can to reach the day when MS is no longer. To be able to participate in the process of wiping out MS is a privilege, not a sacrifice. We're almost there!

Jim Black

Why I ride...

Fortunately, I have no family or loved ones with multiple sclerosis. I ride because there are 400,000 people I don't know who have MS. I ride because one day those statistics may include someone I do know.

Sean M. Barbeau

Why I Ride...

I am riding because of one of the best friends that i have ever had has ms.

I am proud to have met him and look forward to the day when we are riding to celebrate the cure.

Blake Moorman

Why I ride...

I ride to ensure confidence in individuals with MS that we are fighting for them. I ride to show them that they inspire us with their "can do" attitude in life and how the teach us to not feel sorry for ourselves when you never hear them say "its not fair." Most importantly, I ride until there is no more MS 150, just something we use to do until we found a way to beat this thing.

Hunter Jaggard

Why I Ride...

Initially, my motivations for signing up to ride my first MS150 were self-centered in that I wanted to do something new that was physically challenging. However, the more I learn about the MS150 from past participants via their spirited and inspiring stories/testimonials , etc., the more I want to do everything I can to support the cause and those afflicted with MS.

Andrew Wright

Why I Ride...

I ride because I am inspired by people who refuse to let MS beat them, I ride because it makes a difference.

Anthony Handal

Why I Ride...

Riding through the hills of Austin is exciting but often quite lonely. I have never been able to ride with a large group or much less a group that is so positive and shows so much enthusiasm. I was inspired when I saw my friends riding up to the capital last year. This year I want to become part of the team and show my support for those diagnosed with MS.

Chris Kimball

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