Carney Men Mission Statement:
"As a team, we are fighting for a cause that we are having a direct effect upon to change, benefit and greatly increase the quality of life for those living with MS."
The Carney Men Teams:
'04, '05. '06, '07, '08, '09, '10. '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17... UNTIL WE FIND A CURE!
Two Teams: One Goal

When raising funds to support the fight against MS, it's important to share information about the mission behind the BP MS 150 with donors. Many people have heard about multiple sclerosis, but do not know much about the nature or effects of this unpredictable disease. As you raise funds for the Tour, use this as an opportunity to enlighten and educate others on the importance of why we ride.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling disease of the central nervous system. MS is typically diagnosed in the “prime of life,” when people are building careers and starting families.
Symptoms can include tingling or numbness of body parts; difficulty with speech and walking; blurred or double vision; poor coordination; loss of balance; tremors; and weakness, tightness or spasticity (feelings of stiffness and a wide range of involuntary muscle spasms). Severe cases of MS can result in blindness and partial or complete paralysis. MS may also cause a person to have subtle, "invisible" symptoms, such as pain, extreme fatigue, and cognitive changes such as mood swings, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.
MS is not fatal, contagious or inherited. The cause is not yet known.
MS is unpredictable. No two cases are the same. Symptoms may appear in any combination, may come and go, and may vary from mild to severe.
There are approximately 400,000 Americans living with multiple sclerosis.
Each week, 200 Americans are diagnosed with MS.
A new MS case is diagnosed every hour.
MS affects more women than men at a ratio of 3:1.
Although 90 percent of those diagnosed are between the ages of 16 and 60, the symptoms of MS have been known to appear in early childhood or long after the age of 60.
If you work a typical weekday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., consider this: Between the time you arrive at your office this morning and the time you leave this evening, eight more people will have been diagnosed with MS.
This is why we ride each year to raise funds to support ground-breaking MS research and client programs that help thousands of people living with MS and their families.
The Lone Star Chapter is also a crucial information resource. The chapter has many brochures, videos, tapes and other information tools. Please contact the Lone Star Chapter directly at 713-526-8967 for additional information.